Stiles Partnership’s Focus on 800 Brickell Boosts Tenant Roster, Yields 2012 Building of the...
Deerfield Beach, FL - April 10, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- In Downtown Miami’s fiercely competitive office market, a Stiles partnership has found a sweet spot that’s turning its $1 million investment in “green” enhancements and building upgrades at the 800 Brickell office tower into rapid leasing momentum – while winning the industry’s prestigious 2011-12 Building of the Year honors.
BOMA Helps Defeat Amendment 4 in Florida
WASHINGTON, DC - November 5, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Members of the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International and other real estate and business interests achieved a significant victory on Tuesday with the defeat of Amendment 4 in Florida. If passed, the amendment would have required the state’s voters to approve all local comprehensive land use plan changes, rather than having those changes approved or rejected by city and county commissions. The amendment needed 60 percent of the vote for approval; however, 67 percent of voters rejected the measure. The outcome of the vote is expected to set a national precedent for other states.