County Receives Grant of More than $6.8 Million to Assist Homeless


– Award funds 18 projects –

BROWARD COUNTY, FL – (RealEstateRama) — In support of goals and objectives in the County’s “A Way Home” Plan to End Homelessness, the Broward County Homeless Initiative Partnership (HIP) has been awarded a grant of more than $6.8 million by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through the 2015 HUD Homeless Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition. The award funds 17 renewal projects and a new Continuum of Care (CoC) planning grant. This brings the County’s 2015 HUD CoC grant awards total to $8.5 million which is distributed through the CoC and directly managed by the County and community providers.

The 17 renewal grant projects will provide Permanent Supportive Housing for persons with disabilities, Transitional Housing for Youth, Families and Individuals, Homeless Management Information System Support, and one new CoC Planning Grant. Funding provides Broward’s homeless population with 710 permanent and 235 transitional beds (945 beds total) and related supportive services.

The grant award projects will serve homeless adult and youth clients, including:
-youths 18-24
-those with mental, emotional and physical disabilities
-substance abuse disorders
-mothers with children including pregnant women
-“chronically” homeless and those who have co-occurring disorders

For more information, including the “A Way Home” Plan to End Homelessness, visit the Broward County Homeless Initiative Partnership website.

About the Homeless Initiative Partnership
The Homeless Initiative Partnership (HIP), a section within the Community Partnerships Division of the Broward County Human Services Department, plans and coordinates services for homeless persons, and serves as liaison to the Homeless Initiative Partnership Advisory Board, which acts as agent for the Board of County Commissioners in the development and implementation of “A Way Home” plan homeless assistance programs. HIP is also the lead agency for the County’s Homeless Continuum of Care, a network of organizations, advocates, residents and businesses that plan programs to help alleviate homelessness in Broward County. The goal is to end veteran homelessness by 2015; chronic homelessness by 2017, and family and youth homelessness by 2020. For more information, call 954-357-6101 or visit the Homeless Initiative Partnership website.

CONTACT: Michael R. Wright, MPA, Broward County
PHONE: 954-357-6167
EMAIL: mwright (at) broward (dot) org


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