Division of State Fire Marshal Announces Arrest in Connection With South Florida Alarm Panel Thefts


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – March 20, 2015 – (RealEstateRama) — The Department of Financial Services’ Division of State Fire Marshal today announced the arrest of a Broward County man in connection with a series of fire alarm control panel thefts in Broward County. Michael Moser allegedly stole alarm panels from several condominium and apartment complexes, leaving residents without life-saving fire alarm notification systems in the event of a fire.

“This activity risked the health and safety of residents and first responders by removing protection systems put in place to save lives,” said Major Brandon Ball. “I’m pleased we were able to put a stop to this activity that could have led to a terrible tragedy.”

A coordinated state and local investigation conducted in partnership by the Department of Financial Services’ Division of State Fire Marshal, the Fire Chiefs’ Association of Broward County and local law enforcement discovered that Moser, while pretending to be alarm company employee performing routine service, would disable fire protection equipment for the purposes of reselling it for personal profit.

“The Fire Chiefs’ Association of Broward County worked closely with CFO Atwater’s State Fire Marshal personnel and local law enforcement to reach the successful culmination of this case,” said Donald DiPetrillo, President of the Fire Chiefs’ Association of Broward County.

Charged with more than 100 criminal offenses including grand theft, burglary and preventing or obstructing the extinguishment of a fire, Moser was booked into a Broward County jail where he awaits trial. The investigation remains ongoing and additional arrests are pending.
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Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater, a statewide elected official, oversees the Department of Financial Services. CFO Atwater’s priorities include fighting financial fraud, abuse and waste in government, reducing government spending and regulatory burdens that chase away businesses, and providing transparency and accountability in spending. Follow the activities of the Department on Facebook (FLDFS) and Twitter (@FLDFS).

Contact: Ashley Carr
(850) 413 – 2842


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