Request for Proposals for New Construction and Rehabilitation of Multifamily Housing and Housing & Community Development Projects
February 11, 2011 – (RealEstateRama) — Deadline to submit a Multifamily Rental Housing New Construction and Rehabilitation RFP is Friday, February 25, 2011, no later than 3:00 p.m. A Technical Workshop will be held on February 14, 2011, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. at the Affordable Housing Department, 1208 Tech Blvd, Ste 300, Tampa, FL 33619.
- Multifamily Rental Housing New Construction and Rehabilitation: Hillsborough County’s Affordable Housing Department (AHD) announces a Request for Proposal (RFP) to provide assistance to organizations that construct or rehabilitate affordable multi-family rental housing in Hillsborough County. The County anticipates $1,700,000 in HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds and $1,000,000 in State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program funds will be available for multi-family construction projects that are ready to proceed immediately or will be submitted for the 2011 State of Florida Universal Cycle or other competitive funding cycles.
- Hillsborough County’s Affordable Housing Department is seeking proposals for inclusion in its 2011-2012 Action Plan: The 2011 – 2012 (2010-2011 HUD Program Year) will run from October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012. Successful proposals must address the housing and community development needs presented in the Hillsborough County’s Consolidated Plan and must meet the guidelines provided in this Request for Proposals (RFP).
Priority will be given to projects or programs which are located within a CDBG Target Area and/or addresses a priority or goal established in a Community-Based Plan.
If you are interested in submitting a proposal for consideration, you must complete the RFP application and submit an original and five copies with all required documents by 3:00 p.m., on the dates outlined below for specific types of projects and/or agencies. All prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the designated workshops. Technical Assistance Workshops for prospective applicants will be held on the following dates for specific types of projects or applicants:
Agency by Events |
Technical Assistance Workshop |
Workshop Location |
Application Deadline by 3:00 p.m. |
AHD Staff Contact |
HillsboroughCountyInternal Agencies | Friday
February 11,2011 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. |
Affordable Housing Department, 1208 Tech Blvd, Ste 300, Tampa, FL 33619 | Tuesday
February 15, 2011 |
Karen Collins, 813/247-6605, collinsk (at) hillsboroughcounty (dot) org, |
Not-for-Profit Public Service Providers | Friday
March 4, 2011 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. |
Affordable Housing Department, 1208 Tech Blvd, Ste 300, Tampa, FL 33619 | Monday
March 21, 2011 |
Maureen Calderaro, 813/274-6657, calderarom (at) hillsboroughcounty (dot) org, |
For Profit and Not-for-Profit Facility Improvements | Tuesday
March 8, 2011 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. |
Affordable Housing Department, 1208 Tech Blvd, Ste 300, Tampa, FL 33619 | Friday
March 25, 2011. |
Maureen Calderaro, 813/274-6657, calderarom (at) hillsboroughcounty (dot) org, |
For Profit and Not-for-Profit Housing Activities | Thursday
March 10, 2011 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. |
Affordable Housing Department, 1208 Tech Blvd, Ste 300, Tampa, FL 33619 | Monday
March 28, 2011. |
Karen Collins, 813/247-6605, collinsk (at) hillsboroughcounty (dot) org, |
Below is a list of eligible activities:
- Acquisition of real property
- Clearance and demolition
- Construction, reconstruction or installation of public facilities including, but not limited to the creation of parks, playgrounds, streets and sidewalks, public buildings (except for buildings for the general conduct of government)
- Economic Development activities, including microenterprise assistance, lending to for-profit businesses and commercial or industrial rehabilitation
- Historic Preservation
- Housing rehabilitation
- Homeownership assistance
- Public services, such as employment assistance, crime prevention, substance abuse, child care, health care, transportation, youth programs, fair housing counseling, etc.
- Rehabilitation of privately or publicly owned commercial, residential and industrial buildings
- Related relocation, clearance and site improvements.
*NOTE: The eligibility of listed activities may be limited by additional regulatory conditions. See 24 CFR 570.201 – 207
Submit all responses to the Affordable Housing Department at the address listed below. Applications must be date stamped by the official time clock located in its lobby or recorded as delivered by Fed Ex, UPS or similar courier agency.
The RFP packages provide the outline of submission requirements and descriptions of the proposal contents. All items included in the RFP checklists must be included within the submission. Each submission must be complete and submitted prior to the deadline in order to be considered for review. Complete proposals will be scored and ranked under established scoring criteria included within the RFP package.
Applications are available beginning February 8, 2011. The RFP applications package and detailed information regarding the RFP’s are available at the AHD’s website under the RFQ/RFP’s 2011 section at the following address:; by visiting the Hillsborough County Affordable Housing Department, 1208 Tech Blvd., Suite 300, Tampa FL 33619; or calling the appropriate staff person listed above. Para información en español, llamar al 246-3150.
Hillsborough County Affordable Housing Department is seeking responses to the following:
Contact for this RFP: Karen Collins, collinsk (at) hillsboroughcounty (dot) org, 813/247-6605.