Congressman Grayson wants to do all he can to boost the housing market in Central Florida.
WHAT: Congressman Alan Grayson’s 2009 Housing Summit
WHEN: Wednesday, August 26, 2009, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
WHERE: Hunter’s Creek Town Hall
14101 Town Loop Boulevard
Orlando, FL 32837
WHO: Congressman Alan Grayson
Housing Counselors
Real Estate Professionals
I.R.S. officials
Constituents of the 8th Congressional District
DETAILS: The housing summit will provide personalized help to people in need. A panel of experts will discuss and take questions about the current status of the housing market. There will be breakout sessions for people needing one-on-one assistance with foreclosure counseling, including details about Orange County’s foreclosure mediation program. I.R.S. employees will be there to answer questions about the $8,000 first-time homebuyer’s tax credit. The event is free and open to constituents.